Thursday, January 15, 2009



Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 9:00 AM

Ganerda Grul, publisher of "STOP MAKING CRAP," and HAFJAK DIVIZ, writer and illustrator of "STOP MAKING CRAP," sit at Ganerda's kitchen table in her house in Los Angeles. Coffee is served, and a tape recorder is rolling.

HAFJAK: Is it on? What was that?

Ganerda: Sorry, I was just mumbling something to myself. So--you appear in your book, on the introduction page. You depict yourself as a masked man. Why is that?

HAFJAK: It's like the alias. I named the part of me that produces PLUS and MINUS. I made up a face as well.

Ganerda: On the introduction page, the depiction of you has no mouth, never talks but only writes. In fact, the newer drawings of HAFJAK depicts HAFJAK as having his mouth taped shut.

HAFJAK: Yes. Well--I suppose I'll explain that in the next PLUS-MINUS book. The essence of HAFJAK'S self-imposed silence is that--I myself have never gotten very far with talking. I'm not good at talking. I get lost in talking. Talking just seems to go round and round and this way and that. When I talk I try to say as little as possible and stay as close to the point as possible. See? Just talking about talking is getting me lost in talking.

Talking is great. But I'm write-it-down-and-draw-it guy. I work, create solid results and present those results to communicate and to obtain what I want. That's what HAFJAK is. He is an extreme of that. He is action and results. Or consequences. No talk. No thought. Just decision and execution. And results. Reactions.

I suppose that MINUS is the talking guy. He talks and complains all day and night. Criticizes. PLUS is pure creative energy. And HAFJAK is action.

Ganerda: All that ties into the division symbol motif in the art?

HAFJAK: Yes. HAFJAK is the divider. The divided. He's between these two paralyzed extremes.

Ganerda: You said that you're working on another PLUS-MINUS book?

HAFJAK: Yeah. Ideally, there should be three because "STOP MAKING CRAP" is without a doubt MINUS'S book. The next two should focus on HAFJAK and PLUS.

Ganerda: Wow, a "CRAP" trilogy! That would be nice. When do you have time to work on these books?

HAFJAK: I just love drawing. Last night, I came home, was eating dinner and found myself doodling on a newspaper. I just draw. All the time.

Ganerda: Ever the artist. But you've written and illustrated a book that sort of bashes artists.

HAFJAK: (Pause.) I state clearly on the intro page what the book is about. But, yeah, the book bashes sensitive artists and bitter critics alike. Creators and haters. The best reaction is when readers pick a side and root for either creator or hater. Showing the book has taught me a lot about art and communication. I'm used to making art but not showing it or seeing reactions to it. So the art is all mine until it's made public. Then, it's everybody's, and everybody makes their own interpretation. Sometimes the book is a mirror. A plumber reads the book and thinks it's about plumbing! A guy who works at a jewelry store I met on the bus thought it was about himself and his boss. I love every interpretation of my book. A friend of mine, she told me that this book is all about MINUS. He's the star, the hero of the book. It's his negativity or criticism that elevates Plus's abilities and art content. I was amazed at that interpretation. I always believed MINUS to be the antagonist, and it was PLUS'S book, about PLUS trying to make art and MINUS getting in the way. That interpretation blew my mind. I like showing my stuff now. I learn about my work, myself and others by showing it. It's fun even when someone reads the title and says to me, "Yeah, stop making crap!" Remember that? At A.P.E.?

Ganerda: Yes! Very interesting! That was a very angry man. The book title is rather inflammatory though--especially at a convention full of--luxurious items--and knick knacks and such. Unnecessary items.

HAFJAK: You can say it. "Crap." That's what MINUS would call it.

Ganerda: But PLUS makes it!

HAFJAK: Makes art. MINUS just believes it's crap. It's anything but.

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